Understanding Loss and Overcoming Grief

How to Go Through Grief: Why does grief hurt so much?

Have you ever thought about the effects of ignoring the hard process of coping with loss and grief? The phrase “time heals” is frequently used, but in reality, healing requires allowing yourself to work through your pain. We’ll discuss the subtleties of understanding loss and grief in this piece, along with warning signs that suggest you may not be grieving your loss in a healthy way. In this article, you will explore each of these methods and learn how to approach your grief in small, manageable steps.

Grief Is Unique: There Is No One-Size-Fits-All Solution

There is no exact duration or a list of steps to follow; grieving is a very unique experience. It’s important to understand the difference between coping with grief and ignoring it completely. People who grieve successfully accept their pain and express their feelings in writing, talking, and grieving. On the other hand, people who avoid the process often choose to use distraction, which promotes a continuous cycle of unresolved grief.

Signs of Unprocessed Grief

  • Obsessive Behaviors: Unhealthy Means of Coping

A person with compulsive behaviors may: overeat, undereat, spend excessively, develop an addiction to distractions like prolonged Netflix sessions, or substance abuse. These behaviors are warning signs that suggest an improper grieving process.

  • Withdrawal from Relationships: Isolating from Support

When we pull away from others, especially to avoid talking about our problems, it’s a sign that we’re afraid to deal with our inner struggles. This isolation can become a way of coping, but it actually makes it harder to heal.

  • Over-Functioning: Masking Grief with Busywork

Some people try to hide their sadness by working too much or taking care of others. This can make them seem fine on the outside, but they may still be struggling with grief inside.

  • Irritability: A Subtle Cry for Help

When we’re feeling sad or upset, we might argue with our loved ones as a way to avoid dealing with our own pain. Instead of facing the discomfort of sadness, we might create drama to distract ourselves to avoid the uncomfortable reality of grief.

  • Persistent Sleep Issues: unresolved problems or worries

It’s normal to have trouble sleeping or eating after a big loss. But if these problems keep up, it means you haven’t fully processed your grief. Ignoring these problems could make your mental health worse.

  • Physical Symptoms: The Body’s Cry for Attention

When we don’t deal with our emotional pain, it can show up as physical problems like sickness, stomach problems, muscle tension, headaches, and high blood pressure. These problems show how our mental and physical health are closely linked.

  • Worsening Mental Health Symptoms

Grief itself is not a mental illness it’s a normal feeling, but if it’s not dealt with properly, it can turn into serious mental health problems like depression, anxiety, or even suicidal thoughts. Getting help from a professional is important to prevent these problems from getting worse.

Strategies for Processing Loss and Grief: A Path to Healing

symptoms of loss and grief
  • Finding Emotional Balance for Long-Term Healing

This means feeling your emotions and then finding ways to calm down and feel better. This way of dealing with emotions, which comes from somatic experiences, helps you face pain in small steps with plenty of support.

  • Strengthening Support Systems

It’s important to have support while you’re grieving. Having someone with you during a hard visit or doing something calming after an anniversary can help you cope and heal.

  • Facing Pain Step by Step

This means dealing with grief in small, manageable steps. It involves setting time limits for reflecting on memories or feelings and taking breaks to rest and recharge. While it may not always be easy, it is a helpful method for coping with grief.


Grief is like a long and winding road with no end date, and there’s no magic solution that works for everyone. The difference between those who heal and those who don’t is that some people choose to face their feelings head-on, even if it’s just a little at a time. By taking small steps, individuals can navigate the difficult journey of grief and eventually find peace and healing.

For those who are struggling with loss, remember that facing grief doesn’t mean being sad all the time. It’s about allowing yourself to feel your emotions in a way that you can handle so that you can heal and move on with your life.

FAQ: Loss & Grief

1. What are the stages of grief?

The stages of grief, commonly known as the Kubler-Ross model, include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. It’s important to note that these stages are not linear, and individuals may experience them in varying orders or revisit certain stages.

2. How long does grief last?

There is no fixed duration for grief as it is a highly individual experience. The intensity and duration of grief can vary based on factors such as the nature of the loss, the individual’s coping mechanisms, and the level of support received. Grief is a process that unfolds at its own pace.

3. Is it normal to feel angry or guilty after a loss?

Yes, experiencing emotions like anger and guilt is entirely normal in the grieving process. Grief is a complex emotional journey, and these feelings may arise as part of coping with the profound changes brought about by loss. It’s important to acknowledge and process these emotions rather than suppressing them.

4. How can I cope with grief?

Coping with grief involves recognizing and addressing your emotions. Incorporate healthy coping mechanisms such as talking about your feelings with friends or a support group, engaging in activities that bring comfort, and seeking professional help if needed. The article suggests three skills—pendulation, resourcing, and titration—that can be valuable in the grief processing journey.

5. When should I seek professional help?

If you find that your grief is significantly impacting your daily life, relationships, or mental health, it may be beneficial to seek professional help. Signs include persistent feelings of hopelessness, prolonged sleep disturbances, or an inability to perform daily activities. A mental health professional can provide tailored support and guidance through the grieving process.